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  Abstract:As factors like sales volume and credit evaluation can affect consumers' purchasing decisions in the network environment, some online dealers may improve their reputation to gain the favor of consumers by such hype credit behaviors as brushing orders and brushing praises. Unlike the physical stores for face-to-face transaction, when shopping online, consumers are informed only through the unilateral promotion of the dealers. Thus, the asymmetry of information makes consumers' rights to know vulnerable to infringement and the hype credit behavior is extremely harmful. In addition to legislative adjustments, the regulation of administrative and judicial proceedings should also be reinforced.

  Keyword:Online Dealers; Hype Credit; Unfair Competition; Multi-regulation;

  炒作信用是入驻电商平台的商家采取不正当手段提高自身声誉的行为, 经过炒作后的商品销量和好评率提高, 使得其他诚信经营的商家网点浏览量和访问数降低, 顾客光顾率和交易率锐减, 侵害了其公平竞争权, 扰乱了正常的市场秩序。炒信者参与到此活动中, 伪装成消费者的身份, 以互联网信息交互为依托, 利用网络人机之间的交互性和前所未有的开放性, 虚假购买商家货物并对交易进行评价, 导致消费者对商家销量好评等数据真伪难以识别, 诱惑消费者对其他消费用户体验信任的心理来达到交易目的, 其方法具有独特的虚拟性、隐蔽性、欺骗性。


TAG标签: 电商     炒作信用     不正当竞争    
